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Cop Said, “Drug Addicts Are Useless.” What Do You Think?

Question by T: Cop said, “drug addicts are useless.” What do you think?
I was watching cops today. There was a cop that pulled a woman over and said to her this is a known drug area. “Drug addicts are useless. They should all be swept off the streets.” Do you agree? Many drug addicts I’ve known are very creative talented people.

Yes I want the cops arresting people dealing hard drugs in my neighborhood. And users need help. I don’t understand why there is such negativity when it comes to drug addiction. Very little compassion. Drug addiction needs to be handled as a mental health issue instead of a crime. Jail just creates bigger drug addicts that turn to criminal behavior because no one seems to care enough to help.

And how much taxes payer money goes to enforce drug laws and locking people up? When support and rehab programs would be so much cheaper in the long run. And then there would be less criminals and more constructive people. We need to be building people up not tearing them down.

Best answer:

Answer by Friendly Stranger..
The problem with many drug addicts is that many of them don’t seek the means to get help. Many of those who misuse drugs are jailed for the safety of the citizens. You can’t have drug addicts roaming the streets because they pose a threat to our society. I do agree with showing them compassion, but at the same time you have to treat them as criminals in the sense that they should be put in jail for their own protection. Treat them with respect yet don’t just allow them to run the streets high and causing trouble. Now I don’t agree that drug addicts are useless. No one is useless and every life matters. But the issue is what they are doing causes them to waste their lives. As I said they do drugs and they don’t seek help out. I guarantee you if you stopped putting them in jail it would be worse than it is now. Drug addicts do need help, but I think the solution is to put them in jail, and while in prison give them help for their addictions. Jail is not the only answer, but it is part of the answer. The other part involves intervention while serving their sentence. Jail is only a means to take them off of the streets and away from the general public. But I do agree drug addicts are people too, they have just suffered from making bad choices.

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