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CO554 Lesson 2 to Crisis Counseling, Lesson 2


CO554 Lesson 2 to Crisis Counseling, Lesson 2 – Crisis Counseling with Dr. Cary Lantz Introduces a study of the variety of life crises to which counselors may be called upon to respond and covers models of…


Letter: Help For Sandy's Emotional Impact Is Available

Filed under: crisis counseling

During the superstorm and its initial aftermath, crisis counselors certified by the Disaster and Terrorism Branch (DTB) of the Department of Human Services' Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services rushed to shelters and hard-hit communities to …


Institute Of The Black World Announces 'Day Of Direct Action'

Filed under: crisis counseling

“The levels of joblessness, underemployment, inferior education, crime, violence and fratricide in America's dark ghettos is unacceptable, a moral and political crisis which cries out for presidential leadership to promote the development of wholesome …
Read more on Seattle Medium


Raise awareness for sexual assault with Reach Counseling Services

Filed under: crisis counseling

Additionally, Reach provides crisis response, short and long term mental health counseling to children, teens, and adults who have been affected by the trauma of sexual abuse and assault. Reach often provides services to many members of one family, …
Read more on The Oshkosh Northwestern