Christian Marriage Counselors: Seeking Christian Advice From Christian Marriage Counselors
Christian Counselors
There is wisdom in a multitude of counselors the Bible says. “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” Proverbs 15:22. People who have tunnel vision, those who are locked into one way of thinking, are likely to miss the right road because they have closed their minds to any new options. We need the help of those who can enlarge our vision and broaden our perspective. Seek the advice of a professional and those who have a wealth of experience.
Christian Career Counseling
If you are a Christian looking for a new job or a Christian college student just graduating you may need to visit a Christian career counseling center for some wise advice. There may be one available at your church or school. They administer a few tests to determine what your gifts and strong points are to get you going in the right direction. This will save you time dropping off resumes at locations that may not be well suited for you.
Christian Premarital Counseling
If you are a Christian couple pondering marriage it is also wise to start a Christian premarital counseling series with a certified Christian counselor. Through these series of meetings you will discover how well matched you may or may not be. It is far better to learn more about each other before you head to the altar rather than after you have been married for several years. God gave us marriage as a gift. Man and woman were created perfect for each other. “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24. Find out if you are ready for this level of commitment before promising, in a public ceremony, yourselves to each other.
Christian Marriage Counselors
And if you do find that after several years of marriage you have hit a road bump, again seek counsel from professionally trained Christian marriage counselors. In marriage there are numerous responsibilities, outside pressures and many distractions that can cause a divide between you and your mate. As a Christian you should seek the advice of another Christian. Do not look to self help books or watch “Oprah” or “Dr. Phil” on TV and expect those “advisers” will solve everything for you. Go directly to the Lord in prayer and in His word for answers. Christian marriage counselors that are trained and certified will give you Biblically sound advice.
Do your homework before visiting any type of Christian counseling center or individual counselor. There are many counselors listed in the yellow pages and online. Call your pastor, who, by the way, may himself be a trained and certified Christian counselor. If he is not, ask for his advice on where to seek counseling. Listen to personal testimonies from friends, family members or colleagues who may have recently received some Christian counseling.Remember Proverbs 15:22: “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.”
If the fees for counseling are a challenge for you talk to the counselor. I am sure they can work out a payment plan or fee that may be more acceptable. They realize that finances can cause pressure on a recent college graduate, newlywed or married couple with children. Your life’s goals and trials are God’s concern also and He wants you to succeed as much as you do.
Find the latest information on Christian counseling visit Christian Career Counseling as well as Christian Marriage Counselors
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Christian Marriage Counseling ~ Marriage Counselors ~ Christian Marriage Intensive Retreats – ~ Don’t Divorce! Attend our Private 3-5 day Marriage Intensive. Christian marriage counseling with professional caring Christian marriage counselors at Marriage Rescue Associates.
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