Christian Counselling: Searching for a Christian Counseling Degree Online?
Christian Counseling Degree Online
It could be your desire to further your education by earning a higher degree in Christian counseling. As a busy professional working long days it may be hard to find the time. You may be a pastor of a large or small congregation or a lay counselor and have a need for a degree in Christian counseling. You may be able to have an opportunity to do just that by working on your Christian counseling degree online.
Christian Premarital Counseling
Counseling degrees can be quite specific. One degree can be for counseling Christian couples wanting to get married. Christian premarital counseling is one of the most important and rewarding aspects of this specialized counseling. To see a couple through this process and witness the results of this counseling in a strong and solid marriage is quite exciting. Couples learn through Christian premarital counseling how important it is to keep God as the center in their marriage.
Our Troubled Society
In the troubled world we live in today there are many Christians suffering with financial debt, depression, drug addictions, sex addictions, or possibly have a problem child at home. There are more and more single or married adults requiring professional counseling. As a Christian, it is desirable to seek guidance, direction and advice through solid Biblical counseling.
Biblical Examples
In the Bible there are many examples of men, women, sons, daughters, kings, princes, and even the disciples falling into times of great trouble. There is the story of King Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel chapter four verses 31 & 33 describe his fall into mental duress due to the guilt of not walking according to God’s commands. He had become self absorbed and egotistical.
4:31 “While the word was still in the king’s mouth, a voice
fell from heaven: ‘King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is
spoken: the kingdom has departed from you!
4:33 That very hour the word was fulfilled concerning
Nebuchadnezzar; he was driven from men and ate grass
like oxen; his body was wet with the dew of heaven till
his hair had grown like eagles’ feathers and his nails like birds claws.”
He lived like this until he was directed back to the Lord.
4:34 “And at the end of the time I, Nebuchadnezzar,
lifted my eyes to heaven, and my understanding
returned to me; and I blessed the Most High and praised
and honored Him who lives forever:”
It is the job of a qualified Christian counselor with the proper training to redirect a person’s focus off of themselves and back onto the Lord and what the Lord requires of them. As it says in verse 34 “his understanding returned to him.” When a person is in deep depression or trapped in an addiction their “understanding” has left them. Even a son or daughter walking down the wrong path needs their “understanding” returned to them through Christian counseling.
Many people will not seek help from a counselor unless they have the proper credentials. Some may even be required to get counseling and direction from a professional with a degree in Christian counseling due to a rehabilitation recommendation from the courts. Earning a Christian counseling degree online can equip you with the skills certification required to help these lost souls gain back their “understanding” and live a full Christian life serving God and others.
To find the latest information on Christian Counseling visit Christian Counseling Degree Online as well as Christian Premarital Counseling
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