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Children’s Grief: How to Help Children With Grief – 3 Basic Guidelines

by DrGNU

One of the most difficult tasks following the death of a loved one is helping the children involved, to deal with their grief. This task can be even more challenging when the parents are dealing with their own grief. Here are three basic guidelines, how to help children with grief.

1. Show affection

When a close family member dies, the child’s initial concern may be, who will take care of him. You have to shower the child with love, show affection and reassure him that he is still loved and will always be taken care of.

2. Talk openly

Always encourage the child to talk openly about his feelings, and hear him out. When he sees that there is someone there listening to him, he will feel protected and cared for. Children need to be told that death is an open subject and that they can express their thoughts or questions as they arise. It is normal that when a death occurs in the family, the child may fear that he also might die. It is important to reassure the child about the cause of the death and that this does not mean he is likely to die soon. As always, it is best to give the child honest and simple answers that he can comprehend.

3. Have patience

Often a child will have many questions regarding death and will usually ask them again and again. This is where you have to be patient and ready to answer again the correct answer in a kind and soft-spoken manner. It can sometimes take up to half a year until a child will start getting back to his usual routine.

Remember, all children will be affected by a death in the family. They may be unable to express their feelings, but children do grieve, often very deeply. It is imperative and critical that you show them much love and affection and give them all the support they need.



National Children’s Grief Awareness Day – Nikki is joined by Children’s Grief Center Co-Founder Debbie Mask and Executive Director, Jade Block, to talk about National Children’s Grief Awareness Day. They share details of the support that they offer to grieving children and provide tips for how to deal with grief over the holidays.


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