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Careers in Psychology, Counseling & Social Work (Part 07 of 07)


Careers in Psychology, Counseling & Social Work (Part 07 of 07) – Are you thinking about a career in psychology, social work, or counseling? Would you like to know more about the differences between the areas? Join us for a…


YSU's Beeghly College named tops in nation

Filed under: psychology counseling

The college includes the departments of Teacher Education; Counseling, Special Education and School Psychology; and Educational Foundations, Research, Technology and Leadership. Earlier this year, the Beeghly College received high marks on the first …
Read more on WKBN/WYFX-TV


The work teachers do

Filed under: psychology counseling

I have worked in public education for the past 18 years counseling at an alternative high school, working as the counselor at two elementary schools, leading an elementary as their principal and teaching psychology at a state college. I see dedicated …
Read more on Coeur d’Alene Press


Billingsley graduates from UNCP

Filed under: psychology counseling

Kristen Leigh Billingsley graduated with a Master of Arts in School Counseling from The University of North Carolina at Pembroke during the 147th Commencement on May 3, 2013. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from the …
Read more on Richmond County Daily Journal