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Can You Work as a Counselor W/ a Bachelor’s in Psych and a Minor in Counseling?

Question by Bored as hell: Can you work as a counselor w/ a bachelor’s in psych and a minor in counseling?

Those are the programs my school offers. I am majoring in psychology and I am conserned w/ job opputunities when I graduate. I want to be able to use my degree while in grad school. At my school they offer a counseling minor and social work minor for behavioral health. So can I work as a counselor if I minor in counseling? or can I work as a social worker if I minor in social work? What are some other routes I can take to guarentee a job after I graduate?

Best answer:

Answer by JayB
No, you will need at least a Master’s in psychology or counseling.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Drexel University Counseling Major – This innovative undergraduate Bachelor of Science Degree Program in Behavioral Health Counseling provides an exciting alternative to traditional majors in psychology and social work.


To improve mental health, reevaluate the culture around success

Filed under: behavioral health counseling

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