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Can You Graduate With a B.A. in Psychology and Still Be Eligible to Become a Social Worker or Counselor?

Question by Giants fan: Can you graduate with a B.A. in Psychology and still be eligible to become a social worker or counselor?
I am in school now about to graduate with my B.A. in Psychology; I want to get into counseling. I know I eventually have to go to grad school but I want to know if I can still get licensed or get a job within the field without getting licensed with just a B.A.?

Best answer:

Answer by CanProf
To become a social worker you probably need an MSW degree. To be a “counselor” depends on what kind of counselor you are talking about. You might talk with an advisor within the Psych department to get some specific advice.

Good luck.

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Talking With Children About Death

Filed under: msw counselor

And if, at any time, you're concerned about your child's grief, seek help from a therapist or counselor. They can advise you on what is normal and what may need to be looked at more closely. Talking with a child through their first experience with …
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