Can I Be Drug Tested in Court Before I Even Meet My PO?
Question by Kate: Can I be drug tested in court before I even meet my PO?
Got arrested for a DUI, went through like three months figuring out what plea I was going to get (Florida court systems are SLOW AS ALL HECK). My defender said that I will fill out paper work after my plea with probation and then set up a time to see my PO.
I didn’t want to ask her this lol. But just from your guys experience, can they drug test me right there before I even see my PO? Obviously this is my first time ever doing anything like this. I may test positive for THC. I smoked on and off (with like days even between) and then I stopped entirely two weeks ago. But I entered a “drug/alcohol treatment” center this week just to look good for court (my conviction court date is in three days). Do you think that will help out if I fail my first probation drug test?
It was a misdemeanor DUI with leaving the scene. I have never heard of them drug testing you BEFORE they agree on probation. At least not for my sort of case my defender never mentioned that at all and she was pretty certain on what I was going to get with my plea.
Best answer:
Answer by Sydney
It depends on your case.
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