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Can Anyone Explain the LOGIC Here? You Give Loaded Weapons to the Mental Patient?

Question by Weasel McWeasel: Can anyone explain the LOGIC here? You give loaded weapons to the mental patient?
Okay, the tragic shooting at the Gun range in Texas, is of course , tragic. The man leaves behind a wife and 2 kids. He was there to participate in THERAPY with another soldier with PTSD.
So you KNEW this soldier was mentally unstable, and you put loaded weapons in his hands, as part of a “Therapy”. ???
Okay………..someone tell me……….what was SUPPOSE to happen?

If the guy qualified for the Seal assisted therapy… assumes his problems were severe and garnered the Seal’s attention. So why would you give an unstable person loaded weapons, and then turn your back on him? What the heck kind of THERAPY is that? Am I the last SANE person on the planet?

Best answer:

Answer by ingsoc1
Yea I am not real clear why firing weapons that likely would trigger his ptsd would be therapeutic.

Add your own answer in the comments!



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