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Buffy or Twilight; Which Do You Prefer and Why?

Question by Steph: Buffy or Twilight; which do you prefer and why?
I grew up watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Dracula. And I think Twilight is just a copy of Buffy through and through. Just made simpler for these younger kids who are obssed w/ it. Buffy had to struggle; you know like a normal person. And twilight is just ‘oh i love you’ ‘im a vampire’ then they run of into the sunset? And btw i’m an early 90’s baby (90-93;me 92)

Best answer:

Answer by ???b
I don’t think Twilight is a copy of BTVS. Buffy was a badass chick who could deal with her own problems. Bella is just a pathetic girl who sits in a corner crying and waiting for some very sparkly man to save her from every bad situation she finds herself in. Buffy was well-rounded and Bella is a static character. Buffy wins, hands down.

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