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Beyond Inner Child Treatment Testimonial


Beyond Inner Child Treatment Testimonial – Beyond Inner Child Treatment training program testimonial–Dianne B.


Seasons Center adds substance abuse program, sees a 'ton' of demand from BV

Filed under: addiction counselor training

After Seasons hired a substance abuse counselor, the program filled up in six weeks. Three more staff members are now in the process … trauma, mental health and substance abuse issues. Grant funding has allowed staff to be trained in two new therapies.
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Why can't America care for the mentally ill?

Filed under: addiction counselor training

Not only have insurance companies demanded that empathy be dispensed in tiny doses, in favor of ten minute medication appointments, but many, many American training programs for psychiatric residents have responded by curtailing education in that …
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School shooting sheds light on treating mentally ill

Filed under: addiction counselor training

Law enforcement officers are not trained to deal with the mentally ill." Jones said up to a quarter of the inmates at the Knox … "Probably 90% of these people probably have dual dependency, drugs and alcohol addiction, or mental illness." Most of the …
Read more on WBIR-TV