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Becoming a California Licensed Psychologist


Becoming a California Licensed Psychologist – Presented by Dr. Sharon Jablon, President of PSYCHPREP Inc., at California Southern University ( in Irvine, CA. For more info, please visit:


Mindful Eating Moments to Come

Filed under: licensed psychologist

Marla Somova, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist in private practice and an Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling at Carlow University in Pittsburgh, PA. She is the co-author of "Smoke Free Smoke Break" (2011). Like this author? Catch up on …
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Lenox: Psychologist to present Cognitive Behavioral Therapy conference

Filed under: licensed psychologist

The presenter, Dr. Carol Perlman, is a licensed psychologist in private practice in Medway. She specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy for mood and anxiety disorders and adult ADHD. This workshop is for clinicians who want to improve patient …
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