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APhA-ASP: Student Political Advocacy Network


APhA-ASP: Student Political Advocacy Network – Music Credit: Explosions in the Sky.


New Kansas program tries to fill social worker void

Filed under: social work center

Over the years, he said, he has watched many people go to Wichita, Lawrence or Kansas City to earn a master of social work degree, which is generally required to be a social worker at a mental health center, in a school or in some medical facilities.
Read more on Kansas City Star


Doctors develop 0 infertility treatment for poor world

Filed under: social work center

But they cautioned that it had, as yet, only been shown to work in a developed world setting, using a laboratory in Belgium, and larger trials in one or more developing country were now needed to test the process fully. Infertility is a serious …
Read more on Fox News