Anyone Have Good Information About Depression?
Question by ktcougarus: Anyone have good information about depression?
I feel like I might be depressed, but I don’t know how to be sure. I’m usually happy and smiling when I’m with my friends, but whenever I’m alone, I start feeling really sad and lonely and bored. My grades are suffering in school, because I don’t pay attention and I don’t feel motivated. I’m tired a lot (but that’s mostly because I hang out with friends until late) but when I finally do have time for a rest, I never sleep well. I know that a good diet and a sleep routine and all that stuff would help, but I am just not motivated enough to do it. Does anyone have any advise or sugestions? Or any information on depression and how to treat it? Thanks.
I should also add that me and my boyfriend just had a really slow and painful break up (I still have feelings for him, but he does not return them). But my grades were suffering before this, and I’ve had these feelings for a long time.
Best answer:
Answer by Mememom
Your sad from the breakup but remember your young and there are many fish in the sea. Try speaking with your parents about depression and ask them if they could get you into going to see a counselor to help you deal with this. Hopefully your parents will want to get you the help you need. You can go to the nearest mental health clinic or see your own doctor to recommend one.
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