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Addiction Treatment in New Jersey With Park Bench Group


Addiction Treatment in New Jersey with Park Bench Group – Addiction Treatment in New Jersey Today with Park Bench Group offers unique, proven addiction recovery treatment. If you’re in the …


Sunday Profile: Former addict shares how letting go saved his life

Filed under: addiction specialists

His tattoo business has been extremely successful, and he has opened a second business, Carney's Exhaust Specialists, on Alabama Avenue. He's also working on opening a third business soon, somewhere in the downtown Columbia Street area. The only …
Read more on The Daily News


Drug-use epidemic plagues community

Filed under: addiction specialists

When the addicted patients can no longer receive prescriptions from their doctors, they seek out painkillers on the streets, and in some cases, switch to heroin, which is much cheaper, Reilly said. A stamp bag of heroin sells for as little as $ 10 on …
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Lawmakers Begin to Shape Battle Plan for Fight Against Opioids and Heroin

Filed under: addiction specialists

New Jersey can take more steps to stem the toll on its residents caused by heroin and prescription opioid drugs, addiction experts told a Senate committee yesterday. Their recommendations range from expanding what doctors are required to learn about …
Read more on NJ Spotlight