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Archive for the ‘Addiction Counseling’ Category

Am I Truly That Selfish and Horrific of a Daughter Incapable of “rehabilitation” and Redemption?

Question by Jenny: Am I truly that selfish and horrific of a daughter incapable of “rehabilitation” and redemption?
A few weeks ago the worship band I belong to was invited by our sister churches in China to spend two weeks in August performing for them in various locations throughout the country. I was extremely excited and immediately said yes without first asking my parents. I’d intended to talk with my dad about it that week, but it was smack in the middle of exams and I was stressed out, and he has been working really long hours, and the planning for his wedding at the end of next month has eaten up a lot of his time. I knew it was a major discussion, so I just thought I’d hold off until a more chilled out time. In the meantime, the woman organizing the trip needed me to fill out some forms and submit a copy of my passport, and so I did. I received an email tonight that the tickets had just been booked, so that means that I’m now locked into going since they were bought in bulk and are non-refundable and non-transferable. I completely freaked out. A guy I sometimes IM with wrote to me then, and I explained the situation, and even though it has nothing at all to do with him, he completely exploded. He said that I was a selfish, irresponsible child and that my actions were despicable and disgusting, and that he had no respect at all for me. I’ve told him about a few others things that I’ve done in the past, but it’s all pretty typical teenage stuff – nothing major like serious drugs, theft or trouble with the law. I’m a straight-A student, varsity athlete, dedicated volunteer, and for the most part a good kid who just happens to sometimes blow off curfew and do careless, juvenile things, but I’m not a malicious person at all. He said that my dad should be ashamed of me, and that I deserved to “have my butt destroyed” and be grounded. He said that I had no respect for my dad. I actually adore my dad. My dad & I have been arguing a lot lately and I think he’s far too strict, but I have a tremendous amount of respect for him, and I don’t think occasional teenage rebellion and antics makes him feel like I don’t love him. In fact, the last time this guy told me that I was an absolute nightmare of a daughter and I went and talked with my dad about some things that I’d done and asked him if he felt that way about me, he said he didn’t at all, and that the guy was a foolish bully. Still though, the words tonight stung.

Can Somebody Explain the Song “Beautiful” by Eminem to Me?

Question by THJONGRE: Can somebody explain the song “Beautiful” by Eminem to me?
I really want to know what this song means, for a strange reason it grew on me…
Best answer gets five *****

Best answer:

Answer by SilentxAssassin
Are you retarded?
The songs lyrics are basically straight forward

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Relapse Prevention – Video about addiction relapse prevention from a Licensed Counselor and a recovering addict. Created by Anna Deeds, LPC.


Fending off addiction

Filed under: addiction relapse

A self-described thrill seeker, Ed Sullivan has a bad history with the slots, only admitting to his gambling addiction after many swings of fortune. Today Ed is sober of his … The "successful" day at the slots led straight to relapse. He left the bar …
Read more on Spencer Daily Reporter

Confused About Career PLEASE HELP?

Question by *ZARA*: confused about career PLEASE HELP?
So heres the thing. Im 14 and I really need some help deciding what i want to become when im older. I do know i want to work in the human services feild, and with deprived children. I love pyschocolgy. I dont want a basic job like pyshcatrist or pyschocolgist or counsellor.

Here are some of the things that would intrest me:
Crisis situations
Long term therapy with children like giving them a place to stay

I was thinking even maybe opening my own crisis respnse center for children, after i get my MD in pyschogy. Children could stay here, and i could provide therapy. Does this sound reasonable. What are your veiws?

Best answer:

Answer by dina
become a child psychologyst

What do you think? Answer below!



What’s My Line? Marriage Counselor (1953)


What’s My Line? Marriage Counselor (1953) – Roswell H. Johnson, Ph.D. was a guest on the Nov. 1, 1953, episode of the popular panel program What’s My Line?


Annie's mailbox: Some marriages can't be salvaged

Filed under: marriage counselor

This includes individual and family counseling, psychiatry and crisis intervention. We also have a 24-hour phone hotline to access emergency services. They can also direct people to an outpatient clinic at the local hospital. In addition, Mental Health …
Read more on Washington Observer Reporter


Hating the Person I Used to Love

Filed under: marriage counselor

I prayed to Allah every single day for three years that He somehow brings the two of us together in marriage, though I thought my aim was too high. Later on, it turned out that I really did. After I summoned the …. Going through a period of spiritual …

760-416-5955 Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counseling Training


760-416-5955 Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counseling Training – – Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counseling 5200 E. Ramon Road Suite I-1 Palm Springs, Ca 92264 For More Information Call: 760-416-5…


Citizen Telegram News Briefs – March 20, 2014

Filed under: addiction counseling training

Air National Guard Airman 1st Class Jeremiah D. Vanvalkenburg, son of Phil Vanvalkenburg of Silt and Pamila Gifford of Centennial, graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland in San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an …
Read more on Glenwood Springs Post Independent


Mindfulness therapy helps prevent drug and alcohol relapse

Filed under: addiction counseling training

One year after treatment for substance abuse, far fewer participants who got relapse-prevention training including mindfulness techniques had used drugs or alcohol compared to those given relapse-prevention therapy alone or a standard 12-step program.
Read more on Reuters

Affordable Pest Control and Lawn Solutions Davie Florida


Affordable Pest Control and Lawn Solutions Davie Florida – The Spiraling Whitefly Florida is attacking a wide variety of palms and fruit trees, and is creating a uni…


Older drivers may be impaired after just one drink

Filed under: drug addiction rehab center

Changing drinking limits for drivers is not necessarily the answer, however, said Janina Kean, president and CEO of High Watch Recovery Center, a drug-rehab facility in Kent, Conn. "If you are going to drive an automobile you should not drink at all …
Read more on CBS News


VIDEO: Recovering drug addicts and parents share painful lessons, hope

Filed under: drug addiction rehab center

The family knows they're lucky Michael DeCosta – who overdosed on heroin and went to a number of treatment centers before getting clean two years ago – is alive. But they're mindful of the fact that internally, he will always be an addict, Suzanne …
Read more on Poughkeepsie Journal