Archive for the ‘Addiction Counseling’ Category
Affordable Drug Rehab|Best Drug Rehab Centers|Halfway House|Sober Living
Affordable drug rehab|best drug rehab centers|halfway house|sober living – Riverbank House is a best non-medical facility,and does not offer meals some of the services provided by Riverbank House are only …
South Shore needs more help in addiction fight, Senate committee told
Filed under: drug addiction rehab center
About two dozen police and fire chiefs, addiction experts school officials and others spoke during the hearing and said the South Shore needs more addiction treatment beds, easier access to the overdose-reversing drug Narcan and drug education that …
Read more on Wicked Local Pembroke
Community Services for March 30
Filed under: drug addiction rehab center
DEMENTIA SUPPORT GROUP, facilitated by SouthernCare Hospice, meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 3 p.m. at Gadsden Health & Rehab Center, 1945 Davis Drive, Gadsden, on 800 Hall. For information, call Jane Sims, 256-5566. … Ongoing …
Read more on Gadsden Times
Luxury Treatment Center – Inspire Malibu
Luxury Treatment Center – Inspire Malibu – – Inspire Malibu is a Luxury Treatment Center for drug and alcohol addiction, located in sunny, southern California. We are a re…
iSober: New App Helps Keep Alcoholics On The Wagon
Filed under: alcohol rehab treatment center
Adults released from in-patient alcoholism treatment centers who got free sober smartphones reported fewer drinking days and more overall abstinence than those who got the usual follow-up support. The results were based on patients' self-reporting on …
Read more on Fox News Latino
Alcoholism Ensley Helpline a Resource for Substance Abusers
Filed under: alcohol rehab treatment center
The Ensley Alcoholism Treatment Helpline is here to help someone find a rehab center that can offer the skills and guidance to prevent a relapse and allow someone to go through life free from a crippling addiction. Call today and locate a reliable …
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Is There a Methadone Programme for Yahoo!Answers Addiction?
Question by Super Midget II: Is there a methadone programme for Yahoo!Answers addiction?
(and to all the spelling police out there – “programme” is the correct spelling where I come from)
Best answer:
Answer by Susan Angelina
No, not that I know about, but there sure needs to be some kind of help available. It’s very addicting.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Eliminate Depression With The MindClinic Hypnosis Depression Relief Program – This video explains why MindClinic Hypnosis works and also contains a 5 minute sample of the depression relief hypnosis program.
Marco Island Rehab Helpline Assisting in the Fight Against Teenager Addiction
Filed under: alcohol addiction program
By contacting the helpline at (239) 970-6886 or by visiting the website at, anybody can find out more about the numerous drug and alcohol treatment programs which can help turn their life around. The Marco Island …
Read more on Ticker Report
I Am So Confused and Stuck in the Middle.?
Question by unknown: I am so confused and stuck in the middle.?
Okay I am stucked between my husband and my brother. They are two alpha males in one family ok. They got into a fist fight before for the simple fact that me and my mom got into it all my husband tried to do was tell my brother what was going on and my brother snapped in his drunken rage. This time my brother was drunk again but first he snapped on my mother and me at the same time we went round and round for a hour or so okay my mother has bad knees and I am pregnant so we was physically taken on my brother trying to protect ourselves. My son was in his play pen the whole time I kept trying to calm him down to get him to stop my son didnt need to see or be around this he is only 7 months old ok. My brother didnt care he threatend to snap my mothers neck then mine then my husbands. HE snapped my brother is in court right now in front of the judge for domestic abuse in the presence of a minor child for 3 counts okay. Well when I was growing up if I got into trouble my mother never stepped up for me she just told them lock me up and throw away the key. I only got into trouble with the law one time and that was before I was 18 but here is my brother 23 years old okay and he psychially abused my mother and me okay. And yet she feels sorry for him trying to make it all okay by standing by his side to make up for the rough past them two have okay. Well how much more of the psychial abuse does my mother have to go through to finally have enough and take a stand!!! My mother is not understanding the fact that my brother done his wrong let him do his time for his wrong but does she care to listen NOOOOOOOOOOO she wants to say oh he was drunk he doesnt know what he was doing. When he was perfectly capable of comprehending what is going on. HE KNEW excatly what he did yet he doesnt give a rats ass. Then on top of it he kept calling me last night and this morning a grand total of * drum roll please* 55 times come on you would figure if I didnt pick up I dont want to talk but yet he keeps calling he is in front of the judge right now getting his punishments so i dunno what to do anymore help
Are These Normal Questions for a Drug Counselor to Ask?
Question by sure.: are these normal questions for a drug counselor to ask?
today i went to see some drug counselor for an addiction to coke and weed. well he started asking some seriously personal questions that i dont understand why. he asked me “if i were to observe you at the mall would you be more likely to check out guys or girls” [im a straight 16 year old boy btw] then asked me “so do you look at pornography? what kind do you look at? do you masturbate to it?”
wtf does that have to do with getting counseling? it made me really uncomfortable. i told my mom and she was just like “hes doing his job”.
is asking me that normal?
Best answer:
Why Is My Acne Still So Bad?!?
Question by Kyle: Why is my acne still so bad?!?
Ok so I started to get acne in 8th grade and it wasn’t that bad so I didn’t pay much attention to it. But once I started my freshmen year it started to get worse so I went to the drugstore and bought some exfoliant cleansers and some astringent pads and it was still getting worse and worse! So I went to my local dermatologist and he gave me a pill which I had to take twice a day. A cleanser for morning and night and in the mornings I had to put on a clear topical cream and at night I had to out on a .5 retinoid cream and lastly I had to use a moisturizer afterwards. I also go to an acne surgeon to get a chemical peel and extractions once a month and it’s still getting worse. Can someone please tell me what I need to do or what I’m doing wrong. I really need your guys help. My self esteem is as low as it gets and its ruining my years at highschool
I’m only 15!