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Archive for the ‘Addiction Counseling’ Category

Cocaine Addiction. That Represents a Cocaine Addiction?


Cocaine addiction. That represents a cocaine addiction? – Cocaine addiction. That represents a cocaine addiction? Emory’s David Weinshenker, PhD, describes research into drugs that can be used to assist in ending co…


Broward County judge in rehab after relapse

Filed under: cocaine rehab

Read more on Local 10


“Even when she was drinking, nothing changed.”

Filed under: cocaine rehab

She was 39 years old and trying to stay sober, going to support-group meetings and practicing what she'd learned in rehab, attempting to leave the rest behind. The blackouts and …. One day, he did so much cocaine that his heart stopped. Another time …

A Sociological Immersion Journey: Alcoholics Anonymous


A sociological immersion journey: Alcoholics Anonymous – Reference: Capuzzi, D. & Stauffer, M.D. (2012). Foundations of Addictions Counseling, 2nd Ed. Pearson Education: Upper Saddle River, NJ.


Program on drug addiction is for parents and teens

Filed under: foundations of addictions counseling

The program is being sponsored by Loeb Family and Friends, the Caron Foundation, High Focus Centers, Bergen County Prevention Coalition, New Pathway Counseling Services and Det. Adam Hampton of the Hillsdale Police Department. Copies of Sheff's …


Grant to give GW more resources to help recovering addicts

Filed under: foundations of addictions counseling

The three-year grant, awarded by Transforming Youth Recovery and the Stacie Mathewson Foundation, will add GW into a network of 48 schools focused on recovery and will give CADE money to develop more resources for addicts. “This generous grant will …
Read more on GW Hatchet (subscription) (blog)

Who Do We Contact to Get Help for Someone Who Is on Drugs in Needs Help?

Question by Tiffany Pifer: who do we contact to get help for someone who is on drugs in needs help?
i have a friend who tried to talk to her mom about her dad (who needs serious help) in her mom said there is nothing she can do. her mom and dad are no longer together so the little girl turned to me for help

Best answer:

Answer by Phillip
Rehab is really the best way to go, but he won’t change unless he wants to.

Add your own answer in the comments!



SAD ‘Glee’ Cast Tried To Save Cory Monteith – News for ‘Glee’ Cast Tried To Save Cory Monteith Cory Monteith Rehab — How ‘Glee’ Cast Tried To Save Him Hollywood Life ?- 22 hours ago Sources close…


The Face of Heroin Overdose

How Much Do You Rehab?


How Much Do You Rehab? – How much do you rehab? If you enjoyed this video, please like, comment, and subscribe! Ruben and Roger talk to investors about the future renovation of a hom…


Tiger Woods out of Masters after back surgery

Filed under: drug rehab cost

Woods, who will miss his fifth major since 2008, wrote that within a week he will begin intensive rehabilitation and soft-tissue treatment. Recovery can … "Or if he were to get hurt again possibly cost him playing in the major championships during …
Read more on Wisconsin Rapids Tribune


Hollywood Star Donates to Local Rehab Center

Filed under: drug rehab cost

Blacker says Gere's donation will go towards charity care for patients who need help covering the cost of treatment. Related Stories. Heroin Overdose Antidote: Who Gets to Carry It? Delco Town Wants Police Officers to Carry Narcan. “We are humbled …
Read more on NBC 10 Philadelphia

Republican Trey Radel Pleads Guilty to Cocaine Charges. Republicans, Does He Deserve to Stay?

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Question by El Guapo: Republican Trey Radel Pleads Guilty to Cocaine Charges. Republicans, does he deserve to stay?
Is this the kind of guy you want representing your party?
Florida Rep. Trey Radel Pleads Guilty To Cocaine Possession

lorida Republican congressman Trey Radel appeared in a Washington, D.C., court today and pled guilty to one count of cocaine possession.

Radel, who admitted to being an addict, was placed on one year probation with “minimal supervision.” He promised to seek treatment.

“Your honor, I apologize for what I’ve done,” the congressman said to Judge Robert Tignor in a low voice. “I have hit the bottom … I realize I need help and have aggressively sought the help… I am so sorry to be here. I know that I’ve let my constituents down, my country down, and most importantly my family, including my 2-year-old who doesn’t know it yet.”

A Marriage Counselor Said This…???

Question by Angie S: A marriage counselor said this…???
My neighbor/friend was telling me a story about a marriage counselor her and her husband went to see… and I just couldn’t believe it!!! After asking a series of questions (he cheated on her… no kids… wife very upset…) he basically told them point blank… “you don’t have kids, he cheated on you, you two should just get a divorce.” Can you believe this? Is this normal for a “marriage counselor” to say?? I thought they were supposed to “save” marriages, not break them up? Needless to say, they are not going back, but I just could not believe she told me this, I would’ve been appalled!!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Valerie X 11th Account WHOO HOO!
The reason the counsellor said that was because cheating on your partner is about as LOW AS YOU CAN GO and no one REALLY ever gets over it.