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Action Family Counseling – Heroin Rehab


Action Family Counseling – Heroin Rehab – Faces of addiction come clean about heroin and Action Family rehab.


AAFP, USPSTF Recommend Counseling, Education to Prevent Tobacco Use

Filed under: family counseling

According to family physician and USPSTF Co-vice Chair Michael LeFevre, M.D., M.S.P.H., of Columbia, Mo., the task force now has enough evidence to recommend that physicians provide interventions, including education or brief counseling, to prevent …
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It's a family affair: what you should consider when counseling bands

Filed under: family counseling

Being in a band or musical group can be a complicated thing. Musicians spend their time pouring their blood, sweat and tears (not to mention time and money) into writing and performing the greatest songs possible, mastering their craft and trying to be …
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