I Don’t Know What to Make of This,on a Cycle That Starts Again About Every 3 Months,?
Question by soft honesty: I don’t know what to make of this,on a cycle that starts again about every 3 months,?
I start feeling on top of the world-full of energy, and hope, and confidence, and having goodwill twoards everyone, and having intense deep feelings of love and understanding,-and seemingly overnight, I become the exact opposite-no emotion, no energy, no reason, and very intense anger, not the physical kind, I feel I want to ruin everyone’s life, and make them suffer, as I do. After about a month or two this letts up, and I become a “saint again” This has been happening for years now, and I’ve been on almost every type of meds there are, yet they don’t seem to affect it at all.-I have borderline personality disorder, but I’m not sure if this is the cause of it.What may be causing it, and what do I do about it?
P.S>I know the DBT skills training manual backwards and forwards, sometimes it helps with managing symptoms, but the problem itself remains uaffected.
Best answer:
Answer by lisa1cares
borderline personality disorder can be very hard to treat with medication, I think it might be time you also look at DBT (Dialectical behavioral therapy) It is one of the best treatment’s for borderline and in fact was designed for the use of treating people with borderline personality disorder. You could also have bipolar disorder. you know there is no magic wand that you can wave with tablets and it all is made better you first have to find the right medication for you, I really do understand that part as I have been looking for the right medication for a long time now. please see the link below for more detail on DBT I really do recommend it and so will anyone else who knows about it as well as your doctor. take care good luck
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