Does Anyone Know of a Free Sexual Trauma Counselor in San Antonio, Texas?
by nathanborror
Question by Apophis: Does anyone know of a free sexual trauma counselor in San Antonio, Texas?
I recently encountered in my life, a person who committed a horrible sexual offense against my child. It has caused significant mental trauma for both myself and my child. I need a resource to go to, here in my hometown for trauma related to pedophilia. I cannot afford health insurance. I need a free counselling service. I hope someone can help me, because each day that goes by…I feel more and more close to homicidal…since the man was never put in prison. There has got to be at least one good source out here.
Best answer:
Answer by killakron_420
if there is anywhere in your area that provides std kits/condoms or anything of the sort a “free clinic” i believe they’re called, they usually have resources for sexual crisis, including counseling services. Also, if you don’t know of any, you can try the guidance department of a high school, they also have this info. available.
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