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Hierophant Tarot Card Represents “Therapy” or “Counseling?”?

Question by Jess: Hierophant tarot card represents “Therapy” or “Counseling?”?
I’m doing a reading for someone and it showed up for the outcome of their situation in regards to a relationship. Does this mean get help or counseling? Hierophant sometimes means the court or legal system leading to marriage- what else could it suggest? It was sitting next to 8 of cups. WHat do you think? Also, is there another card that you can think of that suggests therapy more than this? Or is this card pretty symbolic of that kind of help?

Best answer:

Answer by Elaine M
It can also mean ritualized behavior, or actually ‘hidebound’ to the point where it no longer connects to real life.

Standard meanings also include conforming to the rules, fitting in, going with the system, following common held beliefs, honoring ritual and ceremony, and not going outside the rules.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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