Mom Talk Season 3 Episode 4: Stubborn Eaters
Mom Talk Season 3 Episode 4: Stubborn Eaters – In this episode we discuss the struggles we face with our stubborn eaters and how to introduce new foods to our children and encourage them to eat well. We a…
An Interview With Michael Hudson on Economic Violence
Filed under: explaining death to a child
G: Right, and Ireland really has been the poster-child of neo-liberal economic theory in Europe, for probably a few decades now. … Then, what really caused the problem, was that instead of letting the speculators, uninsured depositors and bondholders …
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The Science of Stupid: Galileo is Rolling Over in His Grave
Filed under: explaining death to a child
Sometimes it's a search for answers (if a child develop autism someone must be to blame) coupled with a know-nothing carnival barker like Jenny McCarthy. ….. If the universe were eternal, everything, including time (which modern science has shown is …
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