Do Whiny, Self-Centered “Depressed” People Annoy You?
Question by Madame Morticia: Do Whiny, Self-Centered “Depressed” People Annoy You?
I am so sick of whiny, self-centered, so-called “depressed” people. These people mope around all day focusing on every little negative thing that happens and every negative thought or emotion in their head. Often they pop a cornucopia of pharmeceuticals daily and pay overpriced doctors for counselling sessions.
Survival of the fittest. Life is not fair. The strong survive, the weak die out, it is the law of nature. “Depressed” people drain community resources, they are the weak. In nature (i.e. a pack of dogs) this self-centeredness would never be tolerated. If these people cannot cope with life, is it so wrong for them to kill themselves? Isn’t that natural selection?
Wow. Some really disturbed replies. All that anger and energy, being turned inward, used to analyze and focus entirely on oneself and one’s own mind. That is sad, no wonder we live in a world where kids are being raped and old people are being abused. If instead of turning inward, that energy would be used to improve the world, think how productive it might be and how much BETTER the “depressed” would actually feel.
“Email me if you really feel that people like me should be dead. Do you have a gun or some quick way of doing it? I will meet you somewhere. You think you should take a member of the “pack” out? Fine. Then do it. AND I DO MEAN THIS.”
Wow, that is the sickest thing I’ve ever read. I can’t believe resources in society are being used up on people like this.
For all you people who think I am a troll: I do not have the time or the luxury of feigning mental illness to get sympathy, time off work, etc. I toe the line and am a productive member of society, while my tax dollars support you and your whining.
What about the mother of six in sub-Saharan Africa (Congo) with nine children to feed? She is raped daily by milita, but she still must provide for her family. Oh, but wait.. YOU PEOPLE have it so much worse! Society should coddle you and you should just stay home and weep all day, because your lives are so tough.
Best answer:
Answer by lovelorn
Wow. That’s pretty heartless. I agree some over do the depression bit and are probably not that severely depressed and are just whiners and that can get on my nerves, yes. However, I have gone through a deep depression a year ago that least nearly 7 months. It was hell, and therapy helped me get out of it. Remember, even the strongest out there can fall down. It’s what a person does when they’re down that counts.
What do you think? Answer below!
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