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What Happens to Soldiers That Return With PTSD?

Question by Sebastian Larsson: What happens to soldiers that return with PTSD?
I am writing a short story for my English class at school and I would like to write about PTSD, but I want everything to be correct. Lets say for example that someone was injured by a roadside bomb and they suffered PTSD as well as some physical injuries. What steps would they go through starting from when they got to a hospital after the blast, to returning home and dealing with the PTSD, like what methods would a counselor recommend for someone dealing with the disorder and what types of medicine. I was also wondering If anyone can completely get rid of PTSD or if they just learn to live and deal with it better.

Im not sure if this makes sense to anyone but any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by wraeth
You either get medicated or you don’t. Either way you go on with your life.

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