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Addiction Counselor Charged With DUI, Murder


Addiction Counselor Charged With DUI, Murder – Southern California drug counselor Sherri Lynn Wilkins is charged with murder and DUI after allegedly hitting a man with her car and driving two miles with h…


Addiction expert to speak Thursday at Houma library

Filed under: addiction counselor

Karen Schilling, project director for the South Central Louisiana Human Services Authority, said Bennett personally experienced addiction within her family, so she's able to relate to her clients. That, coupled with her extensive work as a counselor …
Read more on Houma Courier


Drug Cartels Thrive On Ultimate Consumers: Addicts

Filed under: addiction counselor

He's now taking community college classes in hopes of becoming a drug counselor. He's also found a new part of town to live in. There's an old joke that there's a coffee shop on every corner in Portland. For Lehl, heroin was actually more convenient to …
Read more on Boise State Public Radio