HelpPRO – At the heart of HelpPRO® is our Therapist Finder. It carefully identifies users’ needs and interests and matches these with our therapists’ capabilities. Our…
Eating healthily on trips
Filed under: therapist finder
Recognise that you are eating out all the time. We often tell ourselves that “it doesn't matter if I eat badly when I eat out because I eat healthily most of the time”, says Yvonne Bishop-Weston, a nutrition therapist. “But if you're travelling on …
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Teen Ink Fiction: 'I Defied The Odds'
Filed under: therapist finder
Both fortunately and unfortunately, the fact that I couldn't walk also meant physical therapy. The unfortunate part came from my parents' decision to put me in a full-body sport, in other words, dance. I can't even begin to explain how disastrous this …
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