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Family Counselors Experiences With Multiculturalism Part Two


Family Counselors Experiences with Multiculturalism Part Two


Employment Expertise: Family businesses should plan for successions

Filed under: family counselors

They can be difficult, time-consuming and complex problems that can keep families together or drive them apart depending upon how they are handled. It's also a sure bet that small family business owners (read: Mom or Dad) aren't trained counselors or …


Massage Therapists, Chiropractors Wrote Drug Prescriptions They Shouldn't

Filed under: family counselors

Counselors include such professions as marriage and family therapists. Chiropractors were next, with 70,681 prescriptions, folllowed by social workers, with 69,075 prescriptions. The inappropriate payments could signal that prescriber-ID numbers had …
Read more on ABC News (blog)


AG Schneiderman: New York Families to be Saved by Foreclosure Relief Bill

Filed under: family counselors

In June of 2012 he announced the Homeowner Protection Program (HOPP), a three-year, $ 60 million initiative to fund housing counselors and legal services across New York State. The program strives to ensure that every family facing foreclosure has …
Read more on LoanSafe