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Is It Okay to Have Sugar and Caffeine With Newton’s Homeopathic “Blues and Mood Support” Drops?

Question by Girl4God17: Is it okay to have sugar and caffeine with Newton’s homeopathic “Blues and mood support” drops?
I bought some Newton’s homeopathic “The blues and mood support” drops today, and the guy at the store told me not to have any sugar or caffeine with it. I’ve tried to find more information about that on the internet, but I haven’t had any luck. Does anyone know if they interact with each other or something? Or does the guy even know what he’s talking about? Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Outside of a Dog…
Yes it is fine. You can drink all of the Homo drops you want as they only contain a whole lot of nuttin’. Remember, if you get sick take more as they work better when you take less. You do understand the law of simlars right?

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