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Plagued by the Ugly Pictures in My Mind. Is There Any Hope for Me?

Question by bry7josh: Plagued by the ugly pictures in my mind. Is there any hope for me?
I have D.I.D, bi-polar, depression and still have thoughts of suicide. I am a survivor of 19 years of incest and sexual abuse. I am a christian and have forgiven my sister and the men who molested me. But I’m plagued with the ugly pictures in my mind. Is there any hope for me? Will I ever get better?

Best answer:

Answer by mcduderboy
Um NO! There is nothing wrong with you in the first place. Except the christian part. But you can change that through education. The other stuff you cannot reverse, so it is part of your life. Deal with it.

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Newtown school district to get .3 million from Education Department

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