We Can Help You Recover From Substance Abuse | Rehab After Work | Ewing, NJ (609) 359-4009
We can help you recover from Substance Abuse | Rehab After Work | Ewing, NJ (609) 359-4009 – We can provide treatment options for you! http://rehabafterwork.com/index.html Because of addiction’s complexity and devastating consequences, treatment must…
Fairbanks youth shelters see surge in use
Filed under: alcohol addiction counseling
Jeff Cimmerman, who oversees Fairbanks Counseling and Adoption's Street Outreach Advocacy Program — commonly known as SOAP — said his day shelter has seen a “major increase” in recent months, sometimes feeding 50 or more at dinner.
Read more on Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Clover suspect's mom: Turning in son was the right thing to do
Filed under: alcohol addiction counseling
Mental illness, she said, is “not as visible as someone with a drug addiction where you can see the needle marks, or someone with an alcohol addiction where you can smell it on their breath. “Mental illness is invisible,” she said, “and the only way …
Read more on Charlotte Observer
Filed under: alcohol addiction counseling
Well, the damage that alcohol wreaks are widely known, while the defense of marijuana goes against the experience of most addict counselors and medical professionals. They feel that regular marijuana users are easily identifiable, and denial of its …
Read more on Delaware County Daily Times