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What Are the Metaphysical Properties of Orange Sapphire?

Question by Jim S: What are the metaphysical properties of orange sapphire?
Some people believe that gemstones have magical or healing properties. I’m wondering how orange sapphire is different than “regular” blue sapphire?

Best answer:

Answer by Tom
To understand the difference in the use of stones or other materials such as wood or metal, one should understand how they work. This is a natural function and not magical at all.

Anything that has an atomic structure produces energy by the movement of the atoms. All energy is electromagnetic. Being as the electro side pushes and the magnetic side attracts, when one item comes near or in contact with another, there is an exchange of energy. This includes persons and stones. It is believed that various frequencies have effects on different areas of the body.

In “Bio-Resonance Therapy” and in physical rehabilitation clinics by use of a “Stanger Bath” this is done by running a particular frequency electrically through the body for a particular effect.

The use of stones is much older and done on a natural basis. Being as the body absorbs the energy as opposed to having it channeled through the body, the effect is not as intense. On the other side, by allowing the body to absorb slowly and being that the stone may be carried such as in ones pocket or worn as in a piece of jewelery, the exchange of energy is more consistent and being not as intense may avoid potential side effects. One possible problem is that due to the different compositions of stones, they may be used for multiple effects. If one carries a stone for the effect it may have on nerve damage but the stone also has a secondary effect of strengthening the immune system such as in the case of peridot, a person with MS or AIDS would not want to carry this stone as it could also have a negative effect on their disease.

Saphire is an Aluniniumoxide (Al2O3) with a multiple layering of other metallic minerials. This metallic layering gives the color and intensity.

The Blue Saphire due to its composition has a higher frequency and stronger energy. It is used for infections located in the sinus, ears and eyes. It is also used for various stress related illnesses.

The Orange Saphire would be more used for the lymph nodes, spleen and bone marrow problems.

Both may be useful for the psychological effect in calming a persons nerves, reducing fears and enhancing concentration.

Being as there are many fake Saphires on the market and synthetic ones do not have the same effect, a person needs to be aware of what they purchase and use. Treated Chrisoberyl as an example, will have a similar working to untreated Chrisoberyl with minor possible differances although they may appear as a Saphire and be sold as Synthetic Saphire.

Edit: A note about MS and AIDS, both of these should not be handled with anything that strengthens and promotes the immune systen being that as the immune system becomes more active it attacks the persons own body as though it were allergic to it thus causing more damage. This goes for basically any autoimmune disease and some other CIP/CIDP disorders such as GBS.

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