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BGSU Counseling Center: Students’ Thoughts About Counseling Center


BGSU Counseling Center: Students’ Thoughts About Counseling Center – BGSU Counseling Center: Students’ Thoughts About Counseling Center.


The Vine Counseling Center's Branches of Art Silent Art Auction

Filed under: counseling center

Join us for an evening of Art: silent art auction, music, and hors d'oeuvres by Narvell. Art includes: paintings, ceramics, sculptures, jewelry, photographs, prints, needlework, pottery, and other forms of art. Proceeds allow The Vine Counseling Center …
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Counseling center frees up staff for walk-ins

Filed under: counseling center

Walk-in appointments at the University Counseling Center jumped 42 percent this spring, an increase its new director said helps students as they wait to be assigned to a counselor or in emergency situations. A total of 262 walk-in appointments were …
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Interfaith Concert Supports Counseling Center

Filed under: counseling center

"In the 70s, they realized they wanted a counseling center rather than having each of the houses of faith bear the burden of all the counseling of the community,” met with clergy neighboring towns, "and formed the counseling center,” Taber explained.