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575 I Lost Everything Due to Alcohol Addiction; Faster EFT Cleared the Memories.


575 I lost everything due to alcohol addiction; Faster EFT cleared the memories. –


PoliGraph: Claim on cost of alcohol to state checks out

Filed under: alcohol addiction

That's because alcohol costs Minnesotans "5.06 billion dollars in economic and social costs," reads a flier passed out this week at the Capitol by the Minnesota Recovery Connection, a group that advocates for addiction recovery programs. It's true that …
Read more on Minnesota Public Radio


Back to “monster and stomp” for drunks? The NT's (latest) grog policy folly

Filed under: alcohol addiction

The people who end up before the tribunal will inevitably be marred by a bevy of issues. Some will have been behind the foetal alcohol syndrome eight ball from the off. Some will be victims of sexual and other abuse. Some will be victims of domestic …
Read more on Crikey (blog)