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Dua E Karb for Grief, Sorrow, Worries and Restlessness


Dua e karb for grief, sorrow, worries and restlessness – Al-Imaam Al-Bukhari rahimahullaah said in his ‘Saheeh’ [The Book of Supplications: Chapter (27): Supplication at …


"Piers Morgan Live, Rewind": Married amidst aftermath, babysitter remembers a

Filed under: grief sorrow

"Today has been filled with all sorts of emotions for us, from elation of what we accomplished yesterday, both with the race and our wedding, but going to the opposite extreme, just such sorrow and grief for all the victims, and even the people that …
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The attitude in Life

Filed under: grief sorrow

He executes all appropriate actions in natural situations without being swayed by likes and dislikes, success and failure ,without ego-sense or jealousy, without selfish desires or motives, without excitement or exultation, without sorrow or grief …
Read more on SpeakingTree (blog)


How Boston Bombing Has Inspired Virgin London Marathon Runners

Filed under: grief sorrow

When the news came of in the Boston Marathon bomb attack, Britain's sense of sorrow was tinged with sad pragmatism. Would the runners who had been training for months for the upcoming Virgin London Marathon still choose to take … “A charitable trust …
Read more on Huffington Post UK