LSMHP Speak in One Voice for Inclusion Part 2
LSMHP Speak in One Voice For Inclusion Part 2 – Part 2 of a short Documentary on the Lesotho Society of Mentally Handicapped Persons. LSMHP is an organisation that was created by parents of people with an Intellectual Disability established since 1992. It focuses on advocacy in the area of legislation and policies to be inclusive of the needs of the person with an intellectual disability.It networks with government ministries and departments, Non-profit Organisations and institutions as a change agent for children with a disability. It educates the communities on different forms of abuse through its strong networking relations with the Child and Gender Protection Unit. It runs a Children Programme, Parents Programme, Youth Programme, and trains siblings. In the future the organisation wants to establish a Multipurpose Centre which will be used for training children with a severe disability, along with their parents on individualised stimulation programmes and Activities of daily living, along with parent to parent counselling. The LSMPH hopes to be able to outsource some multi-disciplinary staff to work hand in hand with parents. The centre will accomodate orphaned children and youths with an intellectual disability who are destitute and neglected by their families.
'Fat is not a feeling,' and other things to tell your teenage girl about body …
Filed under: parent counselling
The best job you can do as a parent and caregiver is role model regular healthy meals but also save room for fun foods like chocolate or potato chips chosen for non-nutrition reasons. Expose them to moderate physical … Dietitian Andrea Holwegner …
Read more on Vancouver Sun
Manchester School's could benefit from Place2Be 2 Million pound funding
Filed under: parent counselling
In 2011/2012, teachers saw an improvement in emotional and behavioural wellbeing for 69% of children after Place2Be counselling, while parents saw an improvement for 62%. PEF's financial investment will enable the charity to realise its potential to …
Read more on Manchester Gazette
Losing your self
Filed under: parent counselling
He was working in a government counselling service for the long-term unemployed, half of whom were homeless. He knew something … And the other parent often has to work two jobs to keep up the family finances and they become a bit more absent, too." …
Read more on The Age