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Wait, I Thought Schizophrenia Was Multiple Personality Disorder?

Question by Nurse Stan: Wait, I thought Schizophrenia was Multiple personality disorder?
Can you differentiate the 2 for me? I’m honestly really confused… =/
Well now I know there 2 different disorders but what exactly is schizophrenia?

Best answer:

Answer by TC EATER
No, though it can be if you develop dissociative personalities. Schiz means split, it is in reference to losing touch with reality. It is a thought disorder and there are many different kinds. Three major types!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



International Seafarers Welfare Awards | Trauma Counseling – David Dearsley ICSW Advisor – David Dearsley Advisor International Committee on Seafarers Welfare David Dearsley provides details of the International Seafarers Welfare Awards introduced by the International Committee on Seafarers Welfare (ICSW). He explains that the awards will be presented by the International Maritime Organization Secretary General at the beginning of December 2010. The awards are divided into four categories as follows: – Seafarers Centre of the Year – Port of the Year – Company of the Year – Welfare Personality of the Year Seafarers are encouraged to nominate the awardees of their choice either through the internet or forms that will be made available to them. David also shares his thoughts on the ILO Maritime Labour Convention of 2006 (MLC 2006) that is still pending ratification. David also advises that ICSW has engaged a trauma counselor to help seafarers and their families who subjected to piracy action including being taken hostage in order to run training courses on how best to counsel families during any such stressful circumstances. The training is being undertaken on a worldwide basis through the Port Welfare Workers. International Committee on Seafarers Welfare — We are an international umbrella organisation dedicated to the practical implementation of the International Labour Organisation instruments on Seafarers Welfare Convention 163 & Recommendation 173 and the Marine Labour Convention 2006. The ICSW is a Company Limited by Guarantee