Am I Psychologically Wrong if One of the Most if Not Only Reasons I Work Out Is Because of the Endorphin Rush?
Question by The Resurrected Coolnickname: Am I psychologically wrong if one of the most if not only reasons I work out is because of the endorphin rush?
I mean I feel like I’m cheating evolution!!!
The endorphin rush is just so vivid and good too,it’s like smoking a certain herb I used to use(lol)!!!
But what I’m worried about is if there have been any cases in the world where this has gotten out of hand in some people psychologically.You,know like addiction?
I ask this for obvious reasons of course.
Best answer:
Answer by Gemz
no! i love the rush to 🙂
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Heroin Kills: One Year Later – This Week in Santa Clarita previews the upcoming Heroin Kills: One Year Later event happening August 29, at the Santa Clarita Activities Center.