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Gun Control v Mental Health Support


Gun Control v Mental Health Support – My personal opinion on the issue of gun control versus better support for the mentally ill. As the mother of a mentally ill adult daughter, my heart goes out not only to the victims of tragedies such as CT and CO, but also to the families of those who suffer from some form of mental illness.


Dealers, doctors discuss mental health and gun checks

Filed under: mental health support

"How can we prevent gun violence is by providing mental health," he says. "So what I would have loved to hear more than anything is we're going to support the mental health institutions in the city, we're going to build more mental health access …
Read more on FOX 8 News WVUE-TV


Commentary: Make mental health help available, and make it mandatory

Filed under: mental health support

The tragic loss of precious lives in Connecticut points a spotlight on our nation's stunningly deficient mental health system. Thousands of seriously ill people in our country are living in our communities without ongoing treatment and support. Many …
Read more on Palm Beach Post