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10 Minute Guided Meditation CHOOSING HAPPINESS


10 Minute Guided Meditation CHOOSING HAPPINESS – This 10 minute guided meditation is taken from one of our 60 minute guided meditations that are used in Health, Wellness, Drug and Alcohol addiction programs This meditation will deeply relax you and take your spirit on an uplifting journey.


Ky. program targets jail's revolving-door offenders

Filed under: alcohol addiction programs

Stults is now the poster child for an intense new treatment program planned by Metro Corrections and Seven County Services that will target the jail's 50 top revolving-door offenders, whose chronic struggles with mental illness, substance abuse …
Read more on USA TODAY


E-Mail 'Pilot suspended for failing blood-alcohol test in Minneapolis' To A Friend

Filed under: alcohol addiction programs

Hall said most airlines and other transportation companies now have effective programs to identify and get treatment for employees with drug or alcohol problems. But, he said, an incident like Friday's should lead to a re-examination of protocols …
Read more on Albert Lea Tribune