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What Advice Do You Give to a Friend Whose Grieving a Death?

Question by Whatsupppp: What advice do you give to a friend whose grieving a death?
My friend just recently lost his friend to a drunk driver. Usually im SO good with advice but when it comes to death there’s not much to say. all i can say is im so sorry im here if you ever need anything, ect.. but does anyone know anything more elaborate that i can say? something more then the usual? something comforting, something you dont hear often from anyone else.. good advice!

Best answer:

Answer by Alfonse
You telling them you will be there for them is about the best you can do. The best is probably to listen to them if they need someone. Tell them that their best friend would not want them to suffer needlessly, but to live a good and happy life for the both of them.

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