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Private Alcohol Treatment Center


Private Alcohol Treatment Center – Alcoholism is a serious and deadly disease and even though someone may not want to admit the truth, it must happen if a person is ever going to become sober. Because alcoholism involves habitual behavior, part of being able to beat the disease is by making serious and profound changes. A person suffering from alcoholism will be unable to realize what is in their own best interest and will vehemently deny there is anything wrong, despite the fact it will be blatantly obvious to others. Even when a person tries to cover up the alcoholism and truly thinks they can control the urge to drink, until the individual goes through alcohol rehabilitation the problem will persist. For more information you can visit our site or give us a call at 877-295-9432


Daily Record: Births, fire calls and drunken driving

Filed under: private alcohol treatment

1, $ 1,245 fine, 12-month supervision, alcohol treatment. John D. Blackman 35, Davenport, judgment withheld, driving under the influence. Charge filed Sept. 6, 2012. Sentenced Nov. 1, $ 995 fine, 12-month supervision, alcohol treatment. Andrew J. Pate …
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Treatment center director resigns after 4th DUI

Filed under: private alcohol treatment

The clinical director of a women's drug and alcohol treatment center near Ft. Pierce has resigned after being arrested for a fourth DUI. 49-year-old year old Juli Arnold was pulled over last week. Police said they found an open container of alcohol, a …
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