Why Would Any Sane Individual Agree to 3 Strike Laws When It Comes to Addicts and Drugs?
Question by Joe B: Why would any sane individual agree to 3 strike laws when it comes to addicts and drugs?
Is that the same thing as giving a obese individual 3 strikes to lose weight, on the 3rd strike if they remain fat they go to prison for 10+ years while the taxpayers float the bill?
The point here is that addiction is very hard to overcome despite the label being put on it. Applying 3 strikes on something that is so hard to over come (given the courts do not focus on rehabilitation anymore) seems ignorant to the fact that addiction can’t just end on a whim.
Best answer:
Answer by Captain Snarky
Except it’s not illegal to be fat or even morbidly obese. If you break the law, you go to jail. If you repeatedly break the law, you go to jail for a long time. No sympathy for the devil. Buy the ticket, take the ride.
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Drug Rehab's Plan Advances
Filed under: drug rehab treatment
A drug rehab facility is “not a reasonable use for a residential area,” he said. The center would be dangerous for kids, and would eventually be used to treat people with criminal records, Asoh predicted. “Child molestation and crime go with drug …
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