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Can the Uninsured and Unemployed Go to Alcohol Rehab Too?

Question by : Can the uninsured and unemployed go to alcohol rehab too?
Ok, I am 20 years old now and I am no longer in denial of being an alcoholic. I realize it now. My life is so messed up and I want to change before things get even worse. The only problem is that now I am jobless again due to my alcoholism and I am close to broke. Do rehabs accept people with no insurance or a job even? Thank you…..

Best answer:

Answer by Nina
Dear One, Congratulations on your epiphany!!! You will have a great life being sober. I know of only one place to go and that is Salvation Army. They help you in every way possible. Be open, willing and honest, and all will be given to you. I am so proud of you! Take good care.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Prominence Treatment Center Brings Hope to the Holidays

Filed under: substance abuse rehab centers

The holidays can be stressful for the 23 million Americans who suffer from substance abuse. To help struggling patients and their families, Prominence Treatment Center is offering 10% off drug and alcohol rehab programs. While addiction knows no …
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POLL: Are You Concerned About the Proposed Center's Clients?

Filed under: substance abuse rehab centers

To hear the consultants for Harding Corona's proposed 56-bed residential drug rehab treatment center tell it at Thursday's Planning Board meeting, the center will be an idyllic spa, filled with recuperating executives. To hear residents living near the …