What Is Marriage Counseling Like?
Question by : What is marriage counseling like?
I see the “counseling” suggestion a lot in this forum and I was wondering what a session with a marriage counselor was like. Does the therapist give personal opinion or does she just listen? Do all of the dirty details need to be involved or can you be vague and still get results? I’m considering making an appointment but I’m very insecure and skeptical on a lot of things at this point. How did marriage counseling help you?
Best answer:
Answer by Angelica R
I dont know for sure but in movies and stuff they talk bout…..Whats there diffrences nd what causes them to fight and stuff!
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Pre Marital Counseling –
Julie Danis: Rites Of Passage To A Midlife Marriage
Filed under: marital counseling
Not that I'm against co-habitation before or instead of marriage, but merging without a contractual commitment never made sense to me, especially as I got older and bought, decorated and redecorated my space in my way. I liked my space. I liked the way …
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