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Depression Treatments That Really, REALLY, Work!


Depression treatments that really, REALLY, work! – In preparing for the release of Back From The Brink, Graeme Cowan interviewed people to find out what helped them most in overcoming depression. It was a different list to what is normally outlined by “experts”. The group as a whole said that the depression treatments/strategies that helped them the most were exercise, support of family and friends, psychological counselling, fulfilling work, meditation/relaxation, good nutrition and medication. Because of this Graeme stress the need to get an accurate diagnosis from a mental health professional and to begin walking at least 30 minutes per day. Even though you probably don’t feel like it, confiding in someone you can trust can make a huge difference – a problem shared is a problem halved.


Cognitive behavioral therapy shown to help depression

Filed under: depression treatments

Researchers from the universities of Bristol, Exter and Glasgow in the United Kingdom recruited 469 patients, ages 18 to 75, with treatment-resistant depression for the randomized controlled trial. At six months, 46% of those who received CBT in …


CBT Helps Relieve Depression When Medication Fails

Filed under: depression treatments

CBT, a combination of cognitive and behavioral therapy, is a way of helping people with depression change the way they think, which helps improve how they feel and change what they do, researchers said. A research team led by Nicola Wiles, Ph.D., from …