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Is It True That Airlines Will Cut You a Better Deal if You Are Traveling to a Funeral?

Question by James L: Is it true that Airlines will cut you a better deal if you are traveling to a funeral?
My grandfather just died and I am making travel arrangements from Dallas to Denver. I heard once that airlines will give a discount for funeral travel. Is this true….or just a myth.

Best answer:

Answer by Charlie
Years ago they did, but no more.

What do you think? Answer below!



Dealing With Bereavement – Haven House Children’s Hospice was invited to work with Headliners media charity to lead a project focusing on young people’s life experience. This provided the opportunity for a group of bereaved teenagers to explore and learn creative ways of expressing themselves through making this short film. Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice and KNI Foundation also sponsored young people to participate.


Spotlight on Health

Filed under: dealing with bereavement

Grief Recovery series 6-8 p.m. Tuesdays at The Lake House, 26701 Little Mack south of 11 Mile Road, St. Clair Shores. Workshop includes educational and experiential sessions dealing with concepts of grief and recovery and moving beyond loss. For fee …
Read more on Royal Oak Daily Tribune


Hospice offers hope for the holidays

Filed under: dealing with bereavement

XXFor those who are uncomfortable dealing with the grief of others to the point of avoidance because they do not know what to say, Groves offers this advice: “The simplest thing to say is 'I'm here for you.' The gift of presence is sometimes better …
Read more on Jamestown News


PIPS Newry to deliver new Bereavement Support Services

Filed under: dealing with bereavement

Anne Coyle, the Trust's Bereavement Coordinator, endorsed the service. She stated, “Coping with the death of someone close to us is one of the most painful experiences we endure. Grieving is unique and personal and with the help of family, friends and …
Read more on Newry Times


Grief expert: Sandy showed families struggling with death they can be strong

Filed under: dealing with bereavement

"There's no closure with grief." Instead, he said, organizations like Good Grief can help people through the ongoing process of coping, he said. There's no timetable for dealing with grief, Primo said. Some people can feel settled and relatively at …