How Many Addicts Successfully Recover From Drug Addiction?
Question by : How many addicts successfully recover from drug addiction?
Those rehab places seem like a revolving door. What percentage of drug addicts who’ve been addicted to hard drugs for at least one year successfully recover from their addiction the rest of their lives?
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Answer by applesk8er
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Heroin appeals to addicts hooked on pain pills
Filed under: heroin addiction treatment
Walter Rosental, Program Supervisor for Lane Counties Methadone Treatment Program said he saw a rise in heroin about 5 years about when the economy became difficult. Nearly 75 percent of their patients are seeking treatment for heroin addiction.
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Nine Network hosts town hall on heroin addiction among young people
Filed under: heroin addiction treatment
A live audience heard stories from recovering addicts, parents who have lost children to overdoses, and treatment officials seeking to educate young people about the dangers of heroin while trying to find resources to help those already addicted. In …
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