Why Do Men Not Get Access to Shelters Like Women or Counselling Services/phonelines?
Question by Roger: Why do men not get access to shelters like women or counselling services/phonelines?
There are number news reports on youtube of men having to ring women’s shelters to ask for help (as if they’re gonna get treated equally by a women’s shelter) isn’t this gender inequality?
According to a men’s rights lawsuit there are programs which (by law) exclude males victims from access to services.
So why are men not treated equally and should men have the right to protect themselves and their children from bad women, especially seeing as men cannot use physical force to defend ourselves because that will most likely result in him being imprisoned for “violence against women”.
Best answer:
Answer by Taziketoro
Domestic violence against men is not fully understood and accepted yet and unfortunately male victims of DV do not get the help and support they need. There is a lot of stigma attached to being a male victim of DV especially if the perpetrator is a woman. Attitudes are starting to change but unfortunately I think it will take a long time before male and female victims of DV are treated equally.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Opioid Addiction – Inherent Differences In Brain Functions
Filed under: addiction counseling course
The prefrontal cortex of dependent patients was less active than that of healthy patients in the resting state, during the course of de-addiction therapy. However, this area which controls motivation as well as degree of inhibition, was observed to be …
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